Roman tradition

The Roman tradition of planting olive trees and trees of other kinds in order to ensure their provision of products of the Mediterranean diet led to their taking advantage of the special conditions of the Tiétar Valley for their first plantations in the interior of Hispania.

Age-old olive trees

Our company has some of those age-old olive trees such as that currently planted at the entrance to our installations, the trunk of which is part of our corporate image.

Extraordinary geo-climatic conditions

Owing to the extraordinary geo-climatic conditions of the Tiétar Valley, intensely cold winters and very hot summers, we can look after the olive trees in a natural manner. Plagues do not prosper owing to the low temperatures and the olives ripen slowly with the high summer temperatures.

Centennial olive trees

We have over 4,000 centennial olive trees

The company has over 4,000 centennial olive trees which can be divided into three categories:


Penta-centennial olive trees:

  • Olive trees with an average age of over 5 centuries. From their fruits we produce our DXXV (525) olive oil which symbolises its age and the Roman origin of this olive-growing tradition.
  • Olive trees of the indigenous redondilla variety.
  • 430 trees are classed as penta-centennial.
  • Owing to the low yield of the redondilla variety and the age of these olive trees their production is limited but of extraordinary quality with a unique taste and aroma.

Bicentennial olive trees:

  • Olive trees with an average age of over two centuries.
  • Redondilla and cornicabra.
  • Over 1,360 classified trees.
  • Olive trees giving olives that allow us to produce our limited edition extra virgin olive oil CCX (210) with the special characteristics of its mild aroma and sweet taste with a slight spicy aftertaste.


Centennial olive trees:

  • Olive trees with an average age of between 100 and 150 years.
  • Redondilla, picual, and cornicabra varieties.
  • Over 2,300 trees with an average age of between 100 and 150 years.
  • A high-quality coupage is produced from these olives, which is bottled under the name of XC (90).

In addition to all the foregoing, our company has several thousand olive trees from various varieties (mainly manzanilla cacereña and picual) which are less than a century old. It is from these that we produce our basic range of high-quality extra virgin olive oil.